Our main goal is to translate the Plan’s perspectives into value incorporated in Hera share price
In a listed company, creating value and failing to communicate it properly to the financial community means that you have not created it, because investors will not have all the elements available to evaluate the Company’s perspectives accurately and the share price will not reflect the fair value. This is why, since the IPO, at Hera we have invested a lot of energy and time of the senior management in the dialogue with the market. The results have greatly rewarded the efforts made, considering that Hera has continuously been traded at a premium vs. the sector peers.
A number of meetings with investors will provide visibility to our investment case
Our IR Plan for the coming five-year period will continue to leverage on a tight schedule of meetings with institutional portfolio managers, both those that are already in Hera’s shareholder register and those that are potentially interested in investing in Company’s shares. We will have one-on-one and group meetings through a roadshow across the main international financial centres. We will also attend the main industry conferences at European level. We will start from the presentation of the 2017-2021 Industrial Plan, which in the coming weeks will take us to the following cities: Milan, London, Zurich, Geneva, Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Paris, Luxembourg, Boston, New York, and Chicago.
Today, most investors integrate ESG issues into the criteria they follow in constructing their portfolios. Also Hera will increasingly integrate ESG issues into communications contents.
We will pay special attention to the events focused on sustainability and targeting of socially responsible investors. More broadly, the contents of our communications will integrate larger and larger numbers of factors regarding environmental, social and governace issues. We aim at providing a comprehensive information about strategies and returns that they will generate in the long term to investors that incorporate ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) factors in the criteria they use to add new shares to their their portfolio. From this viewpoint, the publication of the Integrated Report will mark a turning point.
The new Business Plan indicates that in 2021 40% of EBITDA will derive from activities managed through the shared value approach. Over the next years, consistently with this approach, we will report those results as we move forward.
Communications anticipating new needs
At Hera, we have always been proud of the appreciation we received for initiatives that have represented a benchmark for other companies, anticipating new trends in terms of contents and communication channels. As evidence of this, for years we have been among the top three companies in the Italian Webranking by Comprend.
The technological and regulatory changes indicate that communications will have to be increasingly digital, transparent and released in real time. We understand that this will require new energies, but we think that it represents an opportunity to us. Moreover, with this aim in mind, we decided to go live with these investor news through a completely revamped digital format, which is even better suited to go into contents in depth.
Hera Investor Relations also aim to work in close synergy with institutions that provide assessments and rankings at the international level, also those aimed at the inclusion into indices focused on ESG issues. Just to set a couple of significant examples, let us mention the diversity & inclusion ranking by Thomson Reuters, or the Top 100 Global Energy leaders, where Hera is already a member with a high score.
We feel like the IR role will become increasing complex in the coming years, but we expect that this will make our job even more crucial and stimulating. Which is why we are up for the challenge!