The new Business Plan, which drives Hera’s roadmap to 2028, has all the features of a high visibility and low-risk growth plan.
As much as 2.4 billion of the 4.6 billion in investments cumulatively planned over the five-year period are development investments – out of which 2.1 billion as operating capex and about 300 million for M&A. In addition, there are 500-million-euro investments funded through non-repayable grants.
Hera will dedicate around 60% of those development investments to Networks and Waste collection, thus providing high visibility to the 9.5% ROI target in 2028, compared to the 8.7% adjusted figure for 2023.
Hera continues to show robust performance against benchmark indices, even though the prospects for M&A in the banking sector have fueled a conspicuous recovery of the FTSE MIB in recent weeks. Moreover, the outperformance of the stock compared to the Italian utility sector index remains very strong.
In the meantime, today the picture is enriched by new features, which will encourage a reconsideration on the valuation of Hera stock. Preliminary 2024 figures indicate that the Group exceeded consensus expectations, achieving, in the first year, a very convincing execution of the 2023-2027 Plan that the new management had presented in January 2024.
On the same day in which the Board of Directors approves the new Business Plan, Hera announces to the market the signing of the acquisition of an additional stake in the capital of AIMAG, multiutility based in the province of Modena. In return for a swap for water assets held in that same area, Hera can increase its share from 25% to 41%, appoint half of BoD members, including the CEO, and therefore consolidate AIMAG in full.
Following the agreement to raise the holdings in AIMAG, therefore, more than 75% of the EBITDA that the new Plan estimates can be sourced from M&A for the 2024-2028 period already has a clear identity.